Minutes of committee meeting held in Thorncombe
Village Hall on Tuesday, 29 January 2013
President: Sheila Moreland; John Whitbread (Chair); Ruth
Jacobson (Secretary); Lynn Kinsey (Treasurer); Mark Shelley; Rachael Whitbread
Minutes Clerk: Eve Higgs
1. Apologies for absence
Not applicable.
2. Minutes of meeting held on 4 December 2012.
Approved and signed by Chair.
3. Democratic period for Trust members
No members present. JW to publicise democratic period at
next members’ meeting and in parish magazine (JW)
4. Matters arising
a) Future Family Friendly Walks
It was agreed to defer projected walks until the spring when
hopefully the weather will have improved. The possibility of a bluebell walk
and a visit to Cuckoo Cottage to see Charlotte Bradley’s lambs was discussed,
with an option for planning a short and longer route to fit people’s needs.
b) Website relaunch
RW reported that the site has had 527 hits since the site
was relaunched at the beginning of November. She also reported that she has
circulated Thorncombe parish’s county, district and parish councillors with
details but that only Cllr Brierly has acknowledged, albeit somewhat
c) Sports Club December Quiz
It was agreed that the quiz had gone off very successfully
and LK reported that it had raised £158. The committee agreed it is a very
effective way of raising funds and the Trust should aim for another event in
2013. Although it may not be feasible to ensure that the quiz master
would relate the questions to the TVT ‘s website in ways to encourage more
traffic on the website, MS undertook to approach the Club for another date and
to raise this aspect informally (MS)
d) Specific activities to encourage member participation
Willow structure in playground: RW reported that although
the initial response from the Playground Committee had been positive, and that
Amy Ralph is prepared to undertake the work, the Committee was now having
second thoughts around maintenance issues. The need to plant willow in early spring
means that the project might have to be shelved if an imminent decision is not
forthcoming. It was agreed that while the Trust should not appear to be
pressurising the Committee, RW could keep a watching brief in case of any
new developments (RW)
e) Tree maintenance
JW reported that due to the recent weather, it had not been
possible to undertake the planned maintenance work . However, he had been able
to identify that a ‘Snowy Mespilus’ (Amelanchier) would be the most suitable tree for planting at the Sports
Club to commemorate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. It was agreed that this should
be ordered from Forde Abbey on the grounds that it is TVT policy to support
local businesses.
JW reported that he has been investigating the
Tree Preservation Order process and has requested a list from WDDC. Any trees
considered suitable can be brought to the attention of council officers who
will evaluate and list as appropriate. Once trees are listed it is a criminal
offence to damage or cut them down, with powers to take perpetrators to court
and fine them up to £20k.Trees planted by the TVT are potential candidates for
the listing process.(JW)
f) Review of member’s January meeting ‘ Denhay
Cheese’ talk
Attendance had been good: 37 in total, with 3
visitors and 2 new members. MS reported that the response slips had generated
an overall positive audience response with 19 four stars, 9 three stars and
only 1 two stars. The Committee agreed with some of the feedback comment that
it would have been further benefited from some visual content eg Powerpoint but
JW explained that the speaker had specifically stated that she would not be
using this approach.. LK reported that the free wine served in the
interval to accompany the cheese samples had cost £26 and JW reported
that Thorncombe Village Stores had given the TVT a 5% discount. JW to
write and thank the speaker, Amanda Streatfeild . (JW)
g) Update on programme for March
JW reported that, given the risk of continuing
bad weather, he recommended another indoor event rather than an outdoor
activity. At the suggestion of a TVT member, he had approached the founder of
the South West Deer Rescue & Study Centre in Clapton to give a presentation
on the Centre’s work. This could be followed up in due course with a visit.. JW
to liaise with speaker regarding format and with LK regarding arrangements so
LK can put an announcement in the Marshwood Vale Magazine. (JW/LK)
h) Draft Parish Plan
MS reported that various further
amendments have been incorporated and that he has the artwork for the
final version of the plan in hand. Illustrations have been provided by
Thorncombe Photography Club.
5. Village Hall Hedge Planting & Committee
JW reported that the chain link fence in front
of the village hall is to be replaced with a low hedge. He has been approached
by Andrew Willoughby, Chair, Thorncombe Village Hall (TVH) Committee to ask
whether the TVT would consider helping to fund the hedge and planting a tree by
the gateway. The committee agreed in principle to make a contribution, the
amount to be agreed once detailed costs are available but probably around £100.
As EH already attends TVH committee meetings as Artsreach
representative, she offered to combine this with representing the TVT and
reporting back on any relevant developments; this was accepted with thanks.
6. Copy for the Parish Magazine
Following the discussion on encouraging members’
participation, it was agreed that KW will publicise the democratic half hour at
committee meetings, highlight new additions to the website and the trail
the monthly family friendly walks scheduled to start take place in the spring.
7. Finance Report
See Appendix 1
It was agreed to renew CPRE membership.
LK reported that she has sent her report showing
the allocation of funds to JW who agreed to circulate to members - see
Appendix 2 (JW)
8. Current Planning Applications
Magdalen Farm- change of use: JW reported that
he and RW had attended the Planning Committee Meeting in Dorchester as
representing the TVT’s position on this. The representations from other
parish residents in relation to existing anti social behaviour of people making
use of the current facilities were further endorsed by a member of the
committee who had personal experience of this. The parish council has also
objected to the application. Despite an officer recommendation to approve, the
planning committee deferred their decision and requested a business plan from
the manager of the Magdalen Project. The committee will also be
undertaking a site visit before reconsidering the application.
9. Any other business
It was agreed that RJ will represent the TVT at
the February parish council meeting (RJ).
10. Date & venue of next meeting
Tuesday, 26 February 2013, 7.30 pm, Thorncombe
Village Hall